JUDICIARY Latest Features

Nwoya Girls' Academy Students Interact With DCJ
Hon. Justice Alfonse Owiny- Dollo (DCJ) with students from Nwoya Girls School at the High Court in Kampala

Students of Nwoya Girls' Academy on September 24, 2018 paid a visit to the High Court and Court of Appeal in Kampala.

They got the rare opportunity to interact with the Hon. The Deputy Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo, who gave them career guidance.

The DCJ took a number of questions from the enthusiastic students, which he gladly answered in both Luo and English.

They were mostly interested in how one can become a judge, how long it takes and howto deal with injustice in court, especially with the less privileged. The students also got a chance to enter the chambers of the DCJ and those of other judges.

Posted 26th, September 2018
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